RIFF narrates Antropica Ethnographic Filmmaking
4 pm, Goffredo Mameli Library Pitch Day: The RIFF Rome Independent Film Festival narrates Antropica. “Ethnographic Filmmaking. Training and Memory” – 2nd edition and the finalists of the screenplays and subjects section. Moderated by Francesco Perciballi Tixter and Carl Haber Rifs
“He is No One” is the story of Ishaq, a restless Pashtun boy who disappears: an investigation into the concept of integration and borders through the Afghan diaspora of a European suburb takes life from here.
“He is No One” is a project of quality and great potential, thanks to the energy that the boys have devoted to it with determination, even going beyond the set track and exceeding all expectations.
“He is No One” is a demonstration of what can be achieved by working together.
We thank this year’s trainers who accompanied us on this path and shared knowledge, to the sound of extra steps: Parsifal Reparato, Luca Ricciardi, Andrea Piretti, Stefano Petti, Alessandro Bonifazi, Subastano Greco, Lorenzo Casadio, Federico Tummolo, Armando Duccio Ventriglia, Laura Romano, Markus Nikel.
We would like to thank the project partners: Regione Lazio; Lazio Innova; Generazionigiovani.it who allowed us to give a more structured form to this workshop. Audiovisual Archive of the Workers’ and Democratic Movement ETS that made their archives available to us. MedFilm Festival that gave visibility and support to the final work. Biblioteche di Roma, Biblioteca Nelson Mandela and Biblioteca Tullio De Mauro that offered us a place to meet.
Thanks to the AntropicA team, which grows by always throwing its heart over the hurdle and is motivated by the practices we love to share, Parsifal Reparato, Emma Ferulano, Giulia D’Elia, Mario Cancellara and Stella Biliotti.
And finally, we thank all the students, protagonists of this journey, for believing in it until the end: Arianna Egle Ventre, director and author of the project, along with the entire team: Valerio Quinti, Sharon Mercuri, Anita Pesoli, Raquel Perez, Gianluca Donnarumma, Francesca Suzanne D’Alessandro, Marco Sperandini, Simone Cossu and also Saiyfdin Ayoube, Daniel Damascelli, Davide De Bernardi, Maria Chiara Lo Forti, Laura Della Peruta.