Notes for an ethnographic film

7 March 2024
Color Full HD
Production: AntropicA
Producer: Parsifal Reparato
supported by: Regione Lazio, VitaminaG, Biblioteche di Roma, Archivio Audiovisivo del Movimento Operaio, Esplorare le Metropoli
Director: Giulia D’Elia
Camera: Marcello Colasanti, Luca Iodice, Jean Juru Hilarie, Giacomo Pecci
Sound: Aura Monsalves Muñoz, Louie Ann Malazan, Giuseppe Manodritta
Editor: Giacomo Valentini
Āmarā (notes for an ethnographic film), by Giulia D’Elia is a short documentary about Tor Pignattara, a multiethnic suburb in Rome.
As part of the workshop “Ethnographic Filmmaking, Training and Memory,” curated by AntropicA, fourteen young people, each with different backgrounds of studies and experiences, collaborated, giving rise to an interdisciplinary team. The group combined skills in film language with social research methodologies in the six-month production process of the short film “Āmarā. Notes for an ethnographic documentary” (2022). The documentary, filmed in the Tor Pignattara neighborhood, thus stems from the convinced recognition of the audiovisual as a valid cognitive tool employed in cultural encounters.
The eviction of an association that for years symbolized cultural integration in Tor Pignattara becomes the catalyst for the social mobilizations that animate the neighborhood. While activists fill the squares reckoning with the effects of urban redevelopment, the Bengali community, deprived of a space, struggles to preserve sociability and sharing. The cultural life of the community unfolds in the determination to preserve the heritage of its identity, despite the transformations of cities in the era of globalization.