- From May to October 2025
- Rome
- 6 places available

Free Ethnographic Filmmaking Lab by Antropica, supported by SIAE – Per Chi Crea.
Are you a filmmaker, author or writer with an original idea for a documentary?
Do you want to develop your idea with the support of experts in the field?
Do you want to present your project to the film and TV markets?
Who the lab is aimed at:
- Filmmakers, authors from 18 to 35 years old, with a documentary project (without type or thematic limitations).
- Residents of Italy or residents abroad but with Italian citizenship.
How it works:
- Six projects Will be selected;
- The Lab will take place in-person in Rome, at the Nelson Mandela Library, at AntropicA studios and in itinere, depending on the selected projects, starting May 2 to October 2025;
- Selected projects will be provided of a mentoring program guided by film professionals in the development, writing and implementation of a pitch deck and teaser, from May to October 2025, for a duration of 85 hours;
- The mentoring programs may take place either simultaneously (all artists at the same time) or at different times, as long as each artist participates in at least 60 hours of in-person activities;
- Group work will be encouraged;
- Final papers will be presented as part of the Rome Independent Film Festiva in November 2025;
How to apply:
Send your application by April 6, 2025 23:59 to film.antropica@gmail.com.
Terms and conditions:
Applicants should send a CV and a project proposal consisting of:
- Logline
- Subject (1-4 folders*)
- Director’s Notes/Motivation (max 3 folders*)
- Project status/feasibility/needs/any other public and/or private organizations involved in the project (max 2 folders*)
- Teaser and/or sequence and/or photos (max 5 minutes, max 5 stills) [Optional].
- Treatment (6-10 folders*) [Optional]
*1 folder = 1,800 characters l Lab
Only projects whose ownership is held by the author are eligible.
Project proposals that do not meet the above requirements will not be considered, and will be excluded from selection. In any case, project proposals whose subject matter is works that may infringe on the freedom and dignity of citizens or aimed at promoting any form of discrimination will not be admitted.
The selection of projects submitted to compete will be structured in two stages:
First stage: will be made on the entries, it will be based primarily on the quality of the idea, the motivation and the project’s potential for feasibility.
Second phase: it will be based on the Jury’s interviews with the Authors of the selected projects to deepen the submitted proposal through a direct knowledge of the Author of the project.
The 6 projects admitted to the Lab will be announced by April 24.
Evaluation and scoring criteria:
Antropica, in collaboration with SIAE – Per Chi Crea, supports the making of film and television documentaries through an initial writing lab, planning, making a dossier and teaser. Projects that express creative freedom, stylistic originality, and innovative capacity are to be encouraged.